Research project Integration of imaging techniques for the quantitative characterization of pesticide sprays

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David Nuyttens
Onderzoeker ILVO
General introduction
In this study, ILVO develops high speed digital imaging and image processing techniques for the characterization of pesticide sprays. These techniques can quantify the spray application process in a non-intrusive way. Existing techniques are not able to fully characterize the spray application process. Spray characteristics have an important effect on the efficacy of plant protection products. The mechanisms of atomization and how the droplets leave the nozzle and impact the leaves are very complex and difficult to quantify or model.
Research approach
We develop digital imaging and image processing techniques for the characterization of pesticide sprays. A step by step approach is followed, starting from a single droplet spray application and ending with a real sprayer. Important spray characteristics are the droplet size and velocity distribution, the volume distribution pattern, the entrained air characteristics, the spray sheet structure and the structure of individual droplets. Each step includes the development of a measuring set-up and protocol, experimental work, digital imaging and image processing and, where possible, comparison of the results with existing measuring techniques.
Despite the continual efforts of researchers and the constructors of sprayers, adjusting sprayers is still mainly based on practical experience and trial and error. The measuring set-up developed at ILVO is useful for further research and for testing and adjusting sprayer settings. Moreover, this device could be used as a physical ‘prototyping tool’ by the constructors of sprayers in addition to software tools such as CAD and CFD.